Favorite CD2. Cruel Sun 24% 3. Remember 17% 4. Rusted Root** 9% (** "Rusted Root" had not yet been released at the time most these results were taken.)
Favorite Songs1.(tie) Martyr 3. SMOMW 4. Back to the Earth 5. Beautiful People 6. Cat Turned Blue 7. Laugh as the Sun 8.(tie) Drum Trip/Drums 8.(tie) Cruel Sun 8.(tie) Lost in a Crowd (Click Here for the complete list)
How did you hear of Root?1. Through a friend 69%2. From Pittsburgh 9% 3. HORDE 6% 4. Radio 4% 4. Furthur 3% "Other" 9% The average age of Root fans is 22, and we have seen about 4.6 shows each.